The Edge Ensemble Theatre Company
Keene, New Hampshire's resident theatre company ... 'Take me to THE EDGE...'
The Edge Ensemble Theatre Company
Keene, New Hampshire's resident theatre company... 'Come to THE EDGE...'
There are so many ways to support
The Edge Ensemble Theatre Company!
Let Me Count the Ways!
#1 Donate Today Toward our Annual Donation Drive
We rely on your contributions. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law and will be acknowledged with a letter sent through the US mail. Your gift will help enable us to continue to offer the highest caliber productions and to build our actor training and community outreach programs. All donors are recognized in playbills and in the Annual Report (unless there is a stated preference to remain “anonymous”). Click on the button below to donate right now!
#2 Sponsor One or More of our Productions
We welcome support from businesses that would like to sponsor a production or an entire season! The Edge Ensemble stimulates the local and regional economy by giving theatre artists and technicians from the region an opportunity to practice their art and craft and by buying building materials and other supplies and services from area businesses. Recent research conducted by Arts Alive! shows that when people attend the theatre, they also frequent local restaurants and shops, which pours more money into Keene. Please call or email us to discuss the possibilities: or 603-352-5657.
#3 Join us as a Volunteer
If you want to volunteer for The Edge Ensemble, please contact us no matter your level of experience. We enjoy training newcomers, and we are good at it! We have many opportunities for volunteers in Production and Management. For example, we need stage managers, assistant stage managers, designers, lighting design apprentices, light board and sound board operators, folks who like to build things, folks who like to sew things, public relations assistants, publicity assistants, box office assistants, rehearsal assistants, management assistants, and so on. Please email or call (603) 352-5657.
#4 Host a "Happening"
Would you like to throw a party with The Edge Ensemble as your entertainment? The Edge will work with you to customize a party that will entertain your guests and raise funds for our future productions. Call us at (603) 352-5657 or email us for details.
The Edge Ensemble Theatre Company is a 501(c) 3 tax exempt, fiscally responsible not-for-profit organization!